Knife Safety Tips
Custom Knife Safety In The Kitchen Or Field
How To Handle Knives Safely
Kitchen Knife Safety Begins With You
Common sense and not-so-common tips to help you and your loved ones stay safe in the kitchen. From using the right size custom knife for your job to using an appropriate, stable cutting board, here are a few ideas to help you prevent injury in the kitchen!

Sharp knives can be dangerous if mishandled or used haphazardly! If it has been quite a while since you had your knives professionally sharpened, remind yourself how to handle knives and save your skin! The simple fact that they perform as they are supposed to sometimes startles even seasoned users. The truth is, no tool in the typical kitchen can cause harm as quickly as a knife. Follow these tips and gentle reminders to exercise caution when using knives!
1)-Choose the right size knife for your job.
For instance, if you're peeling potatoes, a paring knife will suit the task better than a chef's knife. If you're cutting large cuts of meat into smaller pieces, a larger chef's or utility knife would be the right choice. And always use knives that feel comfortable, are not too heavy, and with a handle that provides a solid grip.
2)-Always use a stable cutting board or other flat surfaces.
Cut food on a flat surface so it stays in one place. Place a damp towel or nonslip mat under your cutting board if it tends to slip around. Don't hold food in your hand while you cut it. Always keep it on the cutting board to avoid having your knife slip and hurt you.
And the hand NOT holding the knife? Curl your fingers back away from the knife's edge, and let the cheek of the blade ride on your knuckles. Fingertips get the brunt of injuries! Please don't use glass, ceramic, stone, or steel cutting boards. (Learn about cutting boards HERE)
3)-Wash knives immediately after use.
Don't soak your knives with other dishes. Too many times, folks forget there's a dangerous instrument in that soapy water and cut themselves fishing around for something. Wash and dry your knives right away. Use caution when rubbing the blade with a sponge or towel! Store knives safely in a block, magnetic strip, sheath, or shield. Keep all knives FAR from the reach of small children!
4)-Always pick up knives by the handle.
Simple, really, but effective in accident prevention.
5)-Never hand a knife to someone.
Lay the knife down, and let the other person pick it up. Or follow the Scout rule for passing a knife: "The receiver should get a good grip on the knife and then say "thank you" to indicate that they have a grip on the knife when taking it. The giver should never let go of the knife until the receiver says "thank you" even if the receiver tries to pull it away." This "thank you" is the signal that the other person has complete control of the blade.
6)-Wear a glove when appropriate.
For example, a cut-proof glove on your "chicken holding" hand can save some stitches or worse if you're deboning a chicken.
Don't try to catch a dropped knife. DUH! Just let it fall to the floor. Wash it off in the sink and continue your task with ten fingers!
Lack of attention or a short lapse is probably the primary cause of most knife accidents in the field and the kitchen. Don't let your mind drift from the task in front of you!
Our knives are far and away the most used tools in the kitchen, especially for people in food service and back-of-house jobs. That environment is hot, fast, hectic, and cramped. Be safe back there, my friends!
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