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Professional Knife Sharpening Tips And Tricks
From The FREE Learning Series
It can be a challenge to find a trustworthy local knife sharpening service, let alone one that offers professional-grade sharpening. At Keith Nix Knives, I specialize in sharpening knives and have shared some tips on how to improve your own sharpening skills. Feel free to browse through the articles and click on the one that interests you.
Do Grinders Harm Knife Edges-- Grinders create friction, and friction creates heat. Will that heat be enough to harm the edge of your fine knife? Look for the answers HERE!
How I Sharpen Your Knife -- It can be quite a challenge to find trustworthy and skilled local knife sharpening services. For those who are not adept at sharpening their own knives, the task of locating a nearby professional service that guarantees a consistent process and won't harm the steel can be daunting. To find out how I do it, Click HERE!
Quantifying Sharpness - When it comes to Professional Knife Sharpening Services, achieving top-notch results is a must. And to attain such results, quality control is a must. However, measuring sharpness is no easy feat. One can ask for a "shaving sharp" or "paper cutting sharp," but that is only anecdotal evidence. This lack of precision can be an issue. Fortunately, I discovered the "Edge On Up" Sharpness tester, which provides a reliable way to measure and compare sharpness. Read about it HERE!
Quantifying Sharpness II - A Professional Knife Sharpening Service should be able to provide professional results EVERY blade. After sharpening a number of knives and testing with the Edge On Up sharpness tester, I have some findings to share, with hopes that they might help others be better sharpeners! Check it out HERE!
Quantifying Sharpness III - Professional Knife Sharpening with verifiable, measurable results! Three short videos to show you how the sharpness tester has benefitted your knives and my sharpening routine! See the short videos HERE!
Learn To Sharpen - Knife Sharpening is considered by some to be a form of magic. Truth is, it's just a science or PROCESS based operation that you can learn to do with practice and patience. Learn more about the science HERE!
Professional Knife Sharpening Questions Answered - Some questions keep coming up about dull knives, knife sharpening, costs, what to expect from a Professional Knife Sharpening Service. Here's a whole page of Q&A to help you get answers! Click HERE!
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